High School Counseling
Central York High School School's Counseling Department includes six school counselors and a Workforce Readiness Coordinator. We are here to help students with course selection and scheduling, academic support, personal concerns, and college/post-graduation planning. The High School Counseling team offers services and assistance in three areas including academics, career and college readiness, as well as social and emotional wellbeing. You can explore services within three of those areas using the navigation below.
We look forward to working with you!
High School Counselors
Student's Last Names A-Co
Mr. Robert High
Student's Last Names Cr-G
Mrs. Charlotte Utter
Student's Last Names H-Le
Mrs. Emily Cooper
Student's Last Names Li-Pa
Mr. Eric Shellenberger
Student's Last Names Pe-Sm
Mr. Tristan Zelinka
Student's Last Names Sn-Z
Mrs. Julie Foery
Workforce Readiness Coordinator
Ms. Ellie Lamison
Social Worker
Mr. Emanuel Brown
Social Worker
Mrs. Saige Hilsinger
Upcoming Events
High School Counseling Staff
Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Kendra Vasellas
717-846-6789, ext. 1318
Office Assistant
Mrs. Sonja Wahl
717-846-6789, ext. 1439
Career Center Assistant
Mrs. Leslie Rojahn
717-846-6789, ext. 1315
High School Counseling Blog
In high school and college (in addition to many jobs), tests are unavoidable. Learning proper study and test-taking strategies is vital for scoring successfully on tests.
A person's learning style is the way they process and remember information. We all learn by seeing (visual learning), hearing (auditory learning) and doing (tactile learning), but we also tend to learn BEST in just one of these styles.
If you feel like you're not understanding what's going on OR if there seems to be too much to do, it may be that you're not using your class time as well as you could.
If you find that you lack the motivation to study, welcome to the club. Just about every student experiences this problem at one time or another
Ever feel overwhelmed by the fact that there are only 24 hours in a day and you have so much to get done?