Juniors and seniors with a cumulative weighted GPA of 3.65 may be considered for membership. Eligible rising juniors and seniors are notified by mail of their eligibility for membership. Letters are sent out each June and candidates are enrolled in the Prospective CYHS NHS Schoology Page.
If you believe you are eligible for NHS membership but have not received a letter of notification and/or have not been enrolled in the Prospective CYHS NHS Schoology page, please contact Mrs. Unger or Miss Grove
Potential members should complete student information forms that demonstrate the following characteristics:
- Scholarship
- 3.65 Cumulative GPA
- Completion of at least four (4) Honors or AP Level courses during high school year
- Leadership: Student leaders are those who are resourceful, good problem solvers, and idea contributors. Leadership experiences can be drawn from school or community activities while working with or for others.
- Students should have an adult supervisor complete a google form to attest to their evidence of leadership.
- Service: Time spent assisting others without receiving compensation.
- An average of at least twenty (20) hours of documented service per year from the start of high school to application date; at least five (5) of which must be conducted within the community, and at leave five (5) of which must be conducted within the school.
- For entering juniors, this equates to 40 total hours of service, of which at least ten (10) must be within the community and at least ten (10) must be within the school
- For entering seniors, this equates to 60 total hours of service, of which at least fifteen (15) must be within the community and at least fifteen (15) must be within the school
- Students should have an adult supervisor complete a google form to attest to their evidence of community service.
- Character: The student of good character is cooperative; demonstrates high standards of honesty and reliability; shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others; and generally maintains a clean disciplinary record
- No disciplinary infractions on record
- Students should have two high school teachers (who had the student in class) complete a google form to attest to their qualities as a student and to their overall character.
Admission into NHS is solely at the discretion of Faculty Council members.