Good Day Panther Nation! I hope this messsage finds you well. It is hard to believe we are nearing the end of another school year. Time flies when you are having fun. 😊
Following this newsletter, families will receive an end of year check in survey via Skyward. As I shared with you last month, we are on a never ending quest to get better and improve upon our practice. Your feedback is extremely valuable to us.
Culture and Climate has been an intentional focus of ours this past year. And, moving forward, will remain a focal point. As you share your thoughts on the year, we will take the information to learn and grow from it. Your time and input is certainly appreciated!
Every Tuesday, I share a ‘Check-In’ with the staff. I share relevant information they need to know…and often times, I share an encouraging word or a powerful quote I have come across. This past Tuesday, I shared the following with them. I will share in part with you all as well.
To this day, this will always be one of my greatest regrets in life: As I have perhaps shared before, I lost my brother Josh in 2008. Aside from my wife, Josh was the closest person in my life. We were the best of friends. For years, I worked with Josh at a local country club in Pittsburgh. The summer before his car accident, we were short staffed, and worked many long hours. Every Saturday night, we had a big event we would work. As we would clean up for the night, the one bartender would always implore us to take ten minutes, and just sit outside. Josh and I would always shoot this idea down - wanting to get home as we had to be back early the next morning. As I reflect on those nights, I would give anything to go back – and just sit for a while with him. A lost opportunity indeed.
As you head into summer, my hope is you would find time to be still – to be in the moment - to just tarry in the present. As you all know, life is short. Take the time to be with your family – your friends. It all goes by way too fast.
I wish you the best this summer. I will be in the office for the better part of the summer. If you would like to get together for a coffee or to just chat, say the word. I am here! See you in a few short weeks…ready to do it all over again. 😊
Always, Proud to be a Panther – pja
Peter J. Aiken
Central York School District